Adhesive capsulitis sometimes called frozen shoulder is a disease of the shoulder joint characterized by pain and stiffness. This is very common in people with diabetes and dyslipidemia, thyroid dysfunctions but other than that it is common in those who keep the joint immobilized for a longer period. Visit Shams Ayurveda Center for Frozen Shoulder Treatment .
Pain persists at times when the patient moves the joint. The pain hurts and gets worse at night. This lasts for a period of 6 to 9 months.
This is a recovery phase. The range of motion starts to get normal and stiffness reduces. This stage can last from 6 months to 2 years.
Pain sometimes might get better but stiffness worsens. Shoulder movements become very difficult and it becomes harder to get through daily activities. This stage can last for about 4 to 12 months.
Ayurvedic treatment includes internal medications to reduce pain and inflammation. External therapies are very beneficial in reducing stiffness.